The way we work today is broken – distributed across a number of platforms, with our information and attention everywhere. Windows on windows. Tabs on tabs. Apps on apps. Instead of enhancing the way we work, product management and workflow software defines and constrains it. However, it should be the complete opposite – our software should work for us, not the other way around.

Windows on windows. Tabs on tabs. Apps on apps. Instead of enhancing the way we work, product management software defines and constrains it.

That’s where Oz comes in. Oz is an artificial agent that works as a project manager for your team. Powered by its AI engine, Oz integrates with your team’s tools to automate behaviors, organize information, and accelerate productivity.

Our software should work for us, not the other way around.

Technically, Oz stays behind the curtain where it is able to analyze, connect, and output information from your team’s workflow using natural language processing and deep learning technologies to understand behavior, intent, and process. Functionally, Oz becomes another member of your team. You interact with Oz conversationally and naturally your team goes about its work.

Check out how it works and sign up for the waitlist to get Oz on your team!